FYI: Word To The Wise
I received a telephone call from someone named Peter, (800-480-0064). He said that he was calling on behalf of Microsoft/Norton and that Norton had received a packet of data that stated that my computer contacted Norton and that there was some sort of problem. He went on to tell me that I should first hold down the "Windows Key" on the keyboard and at the same time I should hit the "P" key.
I knew that this was a scam right away as I had received this type of call before from a different telephone number. At that time I was not duped either. At that time I hung up and immediately contacted Norton and talked to one of their representatives. He informed me that neither Microsoft or Norton would ever make such a call to anyone. He then ran a computer check on my computer to see if it was infected just to be on the safe side of caution.
Luckily it was not.
As I was writing this, Peter called yet again and told me once again that he was calling on behalf of Microsoft, not Microsoft/Norton, just Microsoft, that there was a problem on my computer. I informed him that we had just spoken and that I had already contacted the Missouri Attorney General, The FTC and The FBI (IC3), and informed them of this scam.
The words he used, I will not repeat here, lets just say he remarked something about my ancestry and leave it at that.