2 norton icons in the Systray

I know I can’t be the only one that has this problem. Sometimes, not very often, there will be 2 Norton icons in the systray. If I reboot, it is usually ok for a while, then happens again. I am using NAV 2010, windows 7 home premium 64 bit.

Hi Marcus,


A follow on question on this. When you installed NAV 2010 did you install to the same directory as your last version (presumably it was likely NAV 2009)?



I know I can’t be the only one that has this problem. Sometimes, not very often, there will be 2 Norton icons in the systray. If I reboot, it is usually ok for a while, then happens again. I am using NAV 2010, windows 7 home premium 64 bit.

Hi marcusgi3:


Certainly not a normal situation.


Tell us, are both tray icons active, or just one?

Hi Plankton,


This is the reason for my question. I'm thinking possibly the new version was not installed to the same directory as the previous one and the old one may not have been properly cleaned out, in essence leaving two different versions which would not be a good thing.



The dual icons is a Win7 idiosyncrasy.  If you clear your Present Icon and Past Icon registry keys and reboot your system, this is usually cleared up.

Interesting, I will have to keep that in mind when I install Win 7 64 bit in a few months. Of course hopefully the problem will have been fixed by that time. :smileywink:



Good to know, thanks dbrisendine!