Not Changing Systray "Warning" Icon Back To "Secure" Icon

During the morning of May 10 (and again this evening), I left my computer running while I went to work.


When I returned, the systray icon had changed to a red warning "X" on it.  (There was no "Your Antivirus is turned off" slide-out warning displayed, only an "X" on the systray icon.)


So, I tried using Norton Autofix, which did not return the systray icon to a "Secure" green status.


This may be a bug which needs to be fixed:  Autofix should change the red warning "X" icon to "Secure" green status.  (Because after all, the Autofix status reads, "Scan Complete, No Issues.")


Also, this may have something to do with LiveUpdate changing definitions (or whatever), or it may not.  I can't tell.  All I can say for sure is, is it's not always changing the icon back to "Secure" green status--sometimes it just leaves the "X" icon.


Please refer to this screenshot.  Thanks.




The situation at my end is still the same as per my post in the other thread, when I thought it could be related to the MBAM Free/NIS conflict, but the more the thread went on, also considering peterweb’s opinionthe more convinced I became that this issue could be somehow related to LiveUpdates rather than to the MBAM/NIS conflict.


Since my post linked above, I’ve been getting the pop-up warning window again, at irregular intervals.

Last time, last night while I was running LiveUpdate, screenshot below, also showing the small NIS icon on the taskbar, green checkmarked, which, I confirm, never changes, it always remains green checkmarked. 051713 0150 Manual LiveUpdate 98.9KB.JPG



And these are the updates being installed when the warning appeared:

051713 0150 LiveUpdate Details JPG 78.0KB



 Also this time, though apparently there weren’t any other alarming signals, I 

- Opened NIS, it showed SECURE, and “everything was green” 

- Run Norton Autofix which didn’t find anything except for the “usual” Conflicting Product MBAM 

  (it’s the FREE version) – skipped. 

- Also checked the PC Security Center in Windows XP SP3, and everything was in order,

   Firewall:  NIS  -  Running

   Virus Protection: NIS  -  Running



- The pop-up warning windows doesn’t appear  every time I run LiveUpdate

- I can’t say if it appears also when NIS performs LiveUpdates automatically, as the pop-up is visible for a  

  few seconds only, and I’m not in front of the monitor all the time...


I have never had this pop-up warning with previous versions of NIS, and even if I’m not having other alarming signals I’d like to know from Norton how should I consider it?


Thank you.



Windows XP SP3 - NIS v20.3.1.22

Hi Saganized,


I am not sure, but I believe the answer to your question - as to why the AutoFix shows green and the red wanring X remains on the system tray is actually in the wording of the Autofix Complete screenshot.  "We are able to detect and fix many problems with Norton Internet Security automatically.  If your problem is not resolved, you can go to our Support Web site for further assistance"


Perhaps, the answer is that one of the many problems it can detect and fix is not the problem that is causing the RED X on the system tray.  In other words, The Autofix did not detect and fix any problems (for which it's capability covers) - but it does not say there were no other problems that it could not detect, whch may be causing your RED X condition.


I know it does not remedy your RED X condition, but I am trying to explain what may be happening.  I have seen some pretty other poor verbage inother areas of Norton as well.  My pet peeve is the Live Update difference between Live Update Finished and Live Update Finished -  No updates found.  The first meaning LU has completed - all the updates that were included in this LU were run - but doesnl;t mean there are not addtional availabe that had not been downloaded in the current LU thatjust finsihed..  The second means that all the available updates have been downloaded and installed and no others are available.  That is why we use the "no updates found" to be sure your Norton product is current.


LU 6 item complete.png


LU Complete.PNG

Hi Saganized,

I see you're running NIS while the latest version is the, why you don't update to the latest version?
I don't know if this will solve your problem but I think you should try.


Sandro_cm wrote:

Hi Saganized,

I see you're running NIS while the latest version is the, why you don't update to the latest version?
I don't know if this will solve your problem but I think you should try.


Sandro_cm, oops, I have  Now, I can't update the thread title.  I feel low...someone got me flustrated.  :smileyfrustrated:  (Thanks for the catch, though....  :smileywink:)

Rainbow_2 wrote:


The situation at my end is still the same as per my post in the other thread, when I thought it could be related to the MBAM Free/NIS conflict, but the more the thread went on, also considering peterweb’s opinionthe more convinced I became that this issue could be somehow related to LiveUpdates rather than to the MBAM/NIS conflict.


Since my post linked above, I’ve been getting the pop-up warning window again, at irregular intervals.

Last time, last night while I was running LiveUpdate, screenshot below, also showing the small NIS icon on the taskbar, green checkmarked, which, I confirm, never changes, it always remains green checkmarked. 


Thank you.



Windows XP SP3 - NIS v20.3.1.22

Hi Rainbow_2.  You and peterweb are probably right.  Anyways, I've kind of given up trying to figure out what's causing it.  All I know is, sometimes, for no reason which seems obvious to me, the taskbar (systray) icon disagrees with the status shown by the AutoFix, LiveUpdate, and/or "product status" windows.  I'm pretty sure that should never happen; but it does, so I'm thinking it may need attention.  But, thank you for doing and posting all your findings.

yank wrote:

Hi Saganized,


I know it does not remedy your RED X condition, but I am trying to explain what may be happening.  I have seen some pretty other poor verbage inother areas of Norton as well.  My pet peeve is the Live Update difference between Live Update Finished and Live Update Finished -  No updates found.  The first meaning LU has completed - all the updates that were included in this LU were run - but doesnl;t mean there are not addtional availabe that had not been downloaded in the current LU thatjust finsihed..  The second means that all the available updates have been downloaded and installed and no others are available.  That is why we use the "no updates found" to be sure your Norton product is current.


Hi yank.  That could be it, too.  But it's a heck of a way to display the actual status--telling the user things AREN'T okay on the taskbar, while saying things ARE okay on the program itself.  Your guess is as good, and probably better, than mine.  :smileyindifferent:

Sandro_cm wrote:

Sandro_cm, oops, I have  Now, I can't update the thread title.  I feel low...someone got me flustrated.  :smileyfrustrated:  (Thanks for the catch, though....  :smileywink:)

You do not need to thank me.
I just tried to give you a tip  :smileyvery-happy:
Hi Saganized,
Maybe this will "comfort" you:

Update on my situation - I also, for the first time, last night, during or after a manual LiveUpdate (not sure when it happened exactly as I fell asleep for a few minutes:smileylol:*), have had the red X on the NIS icon on the taskbar, so things are getting worse rather than improving...

A reboot brought back a green marked icon.


Again, I’d like to know from Norton how should I consider all this?

Norton can't expect the user to turn the other way as if it were nothing…:smileyfrustrated:


Have a nice weekend.



Edit: *and of course can’t say if the warning pop-up showed up either…

Sandro_cm wrote:
Sandro_cm wrote:

Sandro_cm, oops, I have  Now, I can't update the thread title.  I feel low...someone got me flustrated.  :smileyfrustrated:  (Thanks for the catch, though....  :smileywink:)

You do not need to thank me.
I just tried to give you a tip  :smileyvery-happy:

Sandro_cm, it was an excellent tip!  Right on the money.  Users should always at least "try" upgrading to the latest version; often a little maintenance "bug fix revision" will cure what's ailing the computer, so it was a wonderful tip and I thank you.  (I only don't take tips when I hold the door open.  lol)  I got flustrated by "getting my hand slapped"--it wasn't you.  :smileyvery-happy:

Rainbow_2 wrote:
Hi Saganized,
Maybe this will "comfort" you:

Update on my situation - I also, for the first time, last night, during or after a manual LiveUpdate (not sure when it happened exactly as I fell asleep for a few minutes:smileylol:*), have had the red X on the NIS icon on the taskbar, so things are getting worse rather than improving...

A reboot brought back a green marked icon.


Again, I’d like to know from Norton how should I consider all this?

Norton can't expect the user to turn the other way as if it were nothing…:smileyfrustrated:


Have a nice weekend.



Edit: *and of course can’t say if the warning pop-up showed up either…

Rainbow_2, thank you for "comforting" me.  Regrettably, that kind of "comfort" only makes me ..."more uncomfortable??"  LOL  I have also seen my "X" change after a reboot, so I can verify what you reported.  Sad thing is, when the product's status says my computer is "secure," and yet--at the same time--I see that scary little "X" icon....  Well, I kinda sorta get confused. Hope you have a nice weekend as well!  :smileyhappy:

Hi All - food for thought.


I can't seem to duplicate your situation, on NIS, nor Norton Security Suite (a clone of N 360) v  What I was hoping to do was duplictae it and  then go to my History > Liveupdate > and see which items were updated.  By tracking which items were updated when the Red X / popup/slide in occurred, it might be possible to narrow it down to only one certain update function that caused the situation to occur.  For example, if Norton Web Protection Definitions were downlaoded each time it occurred - chances would be pretty good it was coming from that set of defs. 


Now that said, perhpas you could go back into yoru History > Liveupdate and go back to the times the Red X/popup occurred and see if the same defs were downloaded in each occurence. 


I guess the final step would be more difficult to figure out - unless you are sittting there watching it update as it occurs - but during which phase of the update does it occur - Check for updates, Download Updates, or Process Updates??



Hi Yank,

In History>LiveUpdate there is no entry about the pop up, so it is not possible to say from there during which LU Session the pop-up appeared.

However, from the Screenshots I’ve posted here and in the other (NIS/MBAM conflict) thread, and from others I took and saved in a folder, I can say that a couple of items are always among those being updated:

- Norton Web Protection Definitions, and

- Norton Smart Virus Definitions


Please also note that:

- I noticed the warning pop-up only while running LU manually since I’m in front of the monitor,  

  but I can ‘t say if it appears also when NIS performs LiveUpdate automatically, as this pop-up disappears

  so quickly that you can't see it unless you are in front of the monitor during those few seconds it shows


- Not every time I run LiveUpdate manually the pop-up appears, so one would think because the two  

  above items were not among those being updated…no, because

- Not every time that these two items are among those being updated the pop-up appears, but definitely,

  whenever the pop-up appears those two sets of Definitions are among the items being updated.


Since your reply I've run LU various times in order to answer your last question, but no pop-up or Red X appeared, and I can tell you that these Sessions contained Web Protection Definitions,  while Smart Virus Definitions were not among the items being installed...

I’ll be running LUs again, and should the pop-up and/or the Red X appear, I’ll let you know, although I‘d say it occurs during the last phase, i.e., Process Updates, as in the Screenshot in my post on the previous page.


Thanks a lot for your assistance!




Thanks for the feedback Laura.  Got me to thinking (yes that is a scarey thought :smileywink: ) about Norton Smart Definitions and where you have it set.  Perhaps it occurs in one mode - but not the other?


Please also look over the remaionder of the links provided at the bottom of each of the linked pages - in regards to LiveUpdate etc.


Saganized - sorry for taking your topic off subject.

Hi Yank,


Thanks for your quick reply and for the link, which I read, included the linked pages.

I never turned off Norton Smart Definitions, it has always been on.

However today I haven’t received any, I ran other LUs’ since my previous post, and no Smart Definitions, only Norton Web Protection Definitions. I find this quite strange because I usually get them more than once a day, for instance, I checked the last two days before typing this message, both Sat 05.18  and Fri 05.17 I received them 3 (three) times.

Perhaps today they have not yet been released? Or problems with the servers ?


I joined Saganized here because I thought we had a similar issue, should I create a new thread?




 A new thread?  No I don't think so - I was just trying to nudge another input from Saganized - more to see if they were still following this thread or not.


FWIW - my one system was off most fo the day eysterday and I received a Smart Def update first LU ran this AM.  My other system shows a Smat Def LU last night around 7 PM (CDST) - after the system being off since around 10 AM.  So I woudl think it may be too early for another Smart Def this AM??


I'l try to get some addtional eyes on this situation. 

yank wrote:

Thanks for the feedback Laura.  Got me to thinking (yes that is a scarey thought :smileywink: ) about Norton Smart Definitions and where you have it set.  Perhaps it occurs in one mode - but not the other?


Please also look over the remaionder of the links provided at the bottom of each of the linked pages - in regards to LiveUpdate etc.


Saganized - sorry for taking your topic off subject.

yank, it's quite all right (with me, anyways lol).  Looking at the History stumps me.  There are so many definitions, processes, and/or "parts" of NIS, that I can't keep them separated.  However, if I can figure out which one is triggering the "X", I'll try and let you know.  (But frankly?  I hope Norton figures it out first.  I mean, it's their product and all.)  Oh...also, my Smart Definitions are On.  All my Real Time Protection features are On.  I think, the only things I have turned Off are Pulse Updates, and Automatic Download of New Version.  (I only keep Pulse Updates off, because Automatic LiveUpdates runs every hour--Pulses seem to keep my hard drive abuzz with activity, and I'm just not too crazy about that.  :smileytongue:)

Rainbow_2 wrote:

Hi Yank,


Thanks for your quick reply and for the link, which I read, included the linked pages.

I never turned off Norton Smart Definitions, it has always been on.

However today I haven’t received any, I ran other LUs’ since my previous post, and no Smart Definitions, only Norton Web Protection Definitions. I find this quite strange because I usually get them more than once a day, for instance, I checked the last two days before typing this message, both Sat 05.18  and Fri 05.17 I received them 3 (three) times.

Perhaps today they have not yet been released? Or problems with the servers ?


I joined Saganized here because I thought we had a similar issue, should I create a new thread?




Rainbow_2, hiya and hope you had a good weekend.  Gosh...us, and all our "issues."  LOL~  Yours might be the same, it might be similar, it might be different; but if it involves that blasted "X" in the systray, my guess is they're somehow related.  If you see it again--and the program's status reads Green (secure)--my bet is that it's the same issue.  I just hope the programmer people figure out why the program sends these "conflicting messages" (YES, your computer IS secure--NO, your computer is NOT secure!  lol).

Hi all,

As an update, since my last post (Message #15), I have had two manual LU sessions including Smart Virus Definitions, and

- in one session there were other items as well but not Web Protection Definitions, while

- the second one concerned just SmartVirus and Web Protection Definitions.


In either session, no warning pop-up or redX. However I'm not surprised, as (as said in previous posts), these alarming signals do not appear every time those two items are in the LU session. So let's wait and see...




FWIW,  I run LU numerous times during the day and I have also been keping an eye out for the Red X and I have not seen it.  I have received Smart Defs & Web Defs (sometimes at the same time- other times apart) and still nothing with the Red X.  This covers both NIS v and Comcast's NSS (N 360 clone) v20.3.1.22 on Win 7 desktops.