I installed NAV 2009 on my 64-bit Vista system and followed the directions to integrate anti-spam with Outlook 2007. I didn't get the pop-up in Outlook the first time I opened after installing 2009 for the option to integrate Outlook and all the right choices are checked in 2009.
The toolbar has not appeared and it's not one of the toolbar choices. It apparently is recognizing what it thinks is spam but those emails are going to my inbox vs. The Norton spam folder that 360 created.
I ran the Outlook diagnostic and that's fine. There's nothing in the disabled items list in Outlook for Norton. I deleted the existing spam folder that 360 installed, closed Outlook, turned off integration and the anti-spam function in 2009 and rebooted. I turned on anti-spam and client integration and opened Outlook and still I cannot get Norton to fully integrate with Outlook.
Does anyone know of anything I might try that I haven't already done, please?