2 PC's: PC1, Win7pro/NIS wired to router.
PC2 wifi, SiliconDust HR3 Tuner wired Home network hardware device, 2 partitions of Win7pro/NIS/WMC.
Partition 1: WMC & HR3 were performing ok until NIS update.
I then created, installed Win7 Partition 2, same hardware. Prtn 1 stills shows HR3 device discovered pre-NIS update with my tweaked traffic rules. Prtn 2 Win7 can't discover the HR3 hardware, I believe because of NIS default and added rules changes.
How do I interpret "default allow" with unchecked//greyed checked//unchecked boxes? If anyone understands this I would like some instruction on a couple of new "almost the same as old" rules.
It is possible but difficult to image the new rules & present both old & new for comparison if needed. It would be handy if they were just copyable or logable.
Thanks to whomever can help.