Applied fixes about two months ago which resulted in a continuous loop in Norton and eventually a BLUE screen. Restored computer to earlier point then .... eventually read forums and found that Norton had applied an update in prep for Windows 10, which caused all manner of issues. They backed out that update and supplied 'fix' to their own fix. Took a deep breath and continued, but decided to hold on applying updates in auto mode and went into manual mode. Applied updates again today 22nd July 2015, and Restart was requested, nothing else running, selected Restart, went into Shutdown and stayed there for 2 about hours!! Finally used the hold down power off button to get shutdown and powered back up, then went into Get Support to see if auto system fix will apply a fix, it has not. So question to Norton, if you are reading this, what exactly are your Testing procedures for Fixes? I literally have a vanilla Windows 7 system, not altered or mucked around with. Why in heavens only name are you releasing 'updates' of such poor quality???!!! Do you know how much time this is eating into every time you do this? Please do not give me the standard reply of well we cannot test all systems, as it just does not wash any more!