3 Inch White Bar Across bottom of IE 11 blocking webpages, Goes away when I disable Identity Safe Tool Bar.

3 Inch White Bar Across bottom of IE 11 blocking webpages, it goes away when I disable Identity Safe Tool Bar. I can't use the Identify Safe Tool bar because it generates a 1 to 3 inch white bar across the bottom of IE 11 blocking websites content. At first I though it was a problem with IE its self, but after resetting it, then activating the tool bars one by one. I found that the bar reappeared after using Norton Identity Safe to fill in a password on a site. So I disabled the tool bar and the bar across the bottom went away! When I enable it, the bar comes back. So the toolbar is obviously generating the error. I've attached a screen shot converted to a PDF, since I can't figure out how to display the image in this post. It's a shame I have been comparing this to McAfee SafeKey, and I like this toolbar better, it fills in Bank of America and some other sites that SafeKey won't. I like that safe key doesn't require a password to be entered to start the program, if you don't want that feature enabled on your computer, but the Norton Identity Safe Tool Bar has a better layout and functions better!