"365 Outlook won't receive emails with VPN on" - is the solution still secure?

This is in response to the thread below .  The solution offered is to exclude Outlook.exe in the VPN split tunnel.  Question - is my email still safe to send and receive?


Re: 365 Outlook won't receive emails with VPN on

Posted: 07-Nov-2022 | 12:05PM · Permalink

Maybe related? Support can fix? https://community.norton.com/en/forums/vpn-and-outlook-365-cant-sendrece...

Or, Add the executable for Outlook 365 to the split tunnel feature of the Norton VPN.

To exclude an application from VPN blocking please review the following Norton article.


You're most welcome.


Thank you - really appreciate your input!

That isn't the case. As quoted from the support article:

The Split Tunnel feature in Norton Secure VPN lets you securely direct and encrypt your choice of apps by selecting the traffic you wish to exclude from Secure VPN.

You will actually be using your Toredo tunneling within your network to use the email client locally via inside of the VPN. That is the best way I can explain things. 

The Split Tunnel feature in Norton Secure VPN lets you securely direct and encrypt your choice of apps by selecting the traffic you wish to exclude from Secure VPN.

Split Tunnel lets you mix local and foreign content on one device, download safely without slowing down other traffic, and boost your connection speed by multi-branching your network.


But if I excluded Outlook outside the VPN tunnel - doesn't this open email up to security issues?

From the Norton service announcement article: Add Outlook.exe to your split-tunnel feature.


The Split Tunnel feature in Norton Secure VPN lets you securely direct and encrypt your choice of apps by selecting the traffic you wish to exclude from Secure VPN.


Your e-mail will be safe to send and receive as stated.