I consider myself somewhat techy so I was ready for the Free Windows 10 upgrade courtesy of Microsoft. I knew I was going to have some issues with some of my existing apps so I was ready to tackle them. However, I never image in my wildest dreams it was going to turn out to be a nightmare. After trying practically all day to make it work, I have giving up. First the system went into a crawl. So slow booting, then to open the start menu and Internet and apps that it was unbearable to sit and watch. Internet Security by Norton immediately recognize that I needed the Windows 10 version because the Windows 7 version was incompatible. I follow the link to download and install it. It downloaded very slow but it did. However when the installation begin about halfway, I got a message saying the Application stop responding. Then gave me some error that directed me back to Norton to reinstall it. The same happen. So I decided to ask support for assistance. The support technician went into my PC and remotely tried to install it. When he saw it was installing suddenly he left the Chat room. Guess what it stop again during the installation. Does anyone have this issue with Internet Security for Windows 10?.