Hello everyone...
I'm a bit concerned about recent forum activity which might not be appropriate and fair to all members.
I have been noticing that many new members are just "jumping in" to new threads and suggesting radical measures to problems which should, IMO, be addressed a bit more carefully. For example, I was working with a new member when another new (aggressive) forum member begins to essentially "hijack" the thread offering a much different approach to a solution. If a Guru did it or another advanced member, I would gladly accept the interjection but in this case it was just a new poster offering ideas and links to outside sources and programs in a vain attempt to remediate a problem.
IMHO, there needs to be a bit more control over these new members (I was one once! ) and feel that the best way to do that is to have them, as an amended part of the registration process, read and agree to new rules of Forum Etiquette, just as they do the Terms of Service and Participation Guidelines. There are many new members which are polite, courteous and offer good information, while yielding to a senior member and conversely others that are "chest beaters" just looking to strut their knowledge, for post counts, kudos, ranking or a combination of the three.
Perhaps a Sticky Post in this thread should be created by a Guru or Symantec Employee to help "direct" these people when required.
What are your opinions?
Atomic_Blast :)