a sync issue with the Standalone Norton Identity Safe client.

Hi everyone!


The logins in the vault of logging in to my account website at at 'identitysa fe.norton.com' shows a different number of logins(81 logins) than the Vault of the Norton Identity Safe client which shows '123 Logins). There are 123 logins in the Vault of Norton Identity Safe client. However, they are only 81 logins in the Vault at website 'identitysafe.norton.com'

The Vault at identitysafe.norton.com

The Vault at identitysafe.norton.com-.JPGThe Vault of the Norton Identity Safe Client

The Vault of the Norton Identity Safe Clein.JPG

I was told that If it is server issue, normally it takes 24 to 48 hours to get fixed, may be sooner.

Howeve, it sitll persists.

  1. I have a very old Vault-data(81 logins) backup exmported from my online Vault via the Norton Identity Safe client while the local Vault was synchronised well to my online Vault.
  2. When I see my existing recent Vault data(123 logins) is only shown in the Vault of Norton identity safe client, and not shown in the website 'identitysafe.norton.com(not synchronised to my online Vault) then I decieded to delete the Vault.
  3. However, I tried first exmporting the existing Vault  of my Norton Identity Safe client to have all logins(123 logins), then  deleting my existing Vault via Norton Identity Safe client.
  4. Then, when creating a new Vault, I first imported the ' very old Vault-data(81 logins) backup exported from my online Vault while it is working well.(the same longins are shown in the website'identitysafe.norton.com')
  5. Then, when I checked the Vault of the Norton identity safe client, and the Vault at the website 'identitysafe.norton.com', I found that the same logins(81) are shown in the Vault of Norton Identity safe client, and are shown in the Vault at the website 'identitysafe.noton.com'. I got my online Vault  functioning again.
  6. However, the old Vault data backup doesn't have the websites(logins) have saved recentely.
  7. I have then decided to import the 'more recent Vault-data(123 logins) backup exported from my online Vault while it is not working well(there no longins are shown in the website'identitysafe.norton.com'). While importing, I have chosen 'merge the imported data with the existing data' to keep the '81 logins' and add to them the new logins of 123 logins.
  8. Finally: I the 81 logins are still only shown in Vault at the website'identitsafe.norton.com', however, there 123 logins shown in the Vault of the Norton Identity Safe client.

The key of my problem is that my recent existing local Vault data is not synchronised to my online Vault. However, my old local Vault data is  synchronised well to my online Vault.

However, my old online local Vault well synchronised to my online Vault doesn't have some websites along with their logins saved to my recent local Vault. (I.e. there are many changes made to my recent local Vault data since my old local Vault data was exported.




Let give you this senario:


'A' is the old  Vault data backup synchronised well to my online Vault data.

'B' is the recent Vault data Backup not synchronised to my onlie Vault data.

'A' doesn't have some websites along with their logins saved to 'B'.


The steps I followed:

1- I've imported the 'A', to the newly created Vault.

2-  after my local Vault data got synchronised well again, then I must import the recent local Vault 'B'  to merege the changes made to my recent Vault data with my old existing local Vault data. However,  the changes(websites along with their logins) made to recent local Vault data are still only shown in the  Vault of the identity safe client, and not in the Vault at website. Only the old local Vault data is still shown\synchronised between the Vault my Identity safe client,  the Vault at website.