A " Weak Link " in the fight against Malware !

Hi all

           Just another article from Sophos newsletter that underlines why so many vulnerabilities are being exploited !


Whlst there will always be users who choose not to keep up to date ....and therefore leave a breach in the defences ...There will always be a state of affairs whereby no matter how hard the Security software providers work in order to try and keep ahead of the threat levels .....The "Human indifference element " will always remain a weak and fragile link !

Thanks to Sophos for .......http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2012/02/07/old-patched-microsoft-vulnerability-still-being-exploited/?utm_source=Naked+Security+-+Sophos+List&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ceaec31601-naked%252Bsecurity&utm_content=Yahoo%21+Mail
