Abbuchung meiner Aboverlängerung

Bei mir wurde mein Konto, wegen der Aboverlängerung belastet und ich möchte vom 60 Tage Rückgaberecht Gebrauch machen. Man kann weder jemanden erreichen noch in diesem Wirrwar..nach einer Lösung suchen..Wäre schön wenn ich eine Lösung für mein Problem finde. Vielen Dank im voraus..

Daniel Franke 1975:
My account was debited because of the subscription extension and I would like to make use of the 60-day right of return. You can neither reach someone nor look for a solution in this confusion .. It would be nice if I could find a solution to my problem. Thanks in advance..

Please review > FAQ: NortonLifeLock automatically renewing  subscription

Norton products (including subscriptions and Automatic Renewals) may be refunded within 60 days of the purchase date.

The instructions to obtain a refund varies depending on where you made the purchase. Please choose one of the following depending on your purchase:

Please review > Requesting a Norton
Automatic Renewal refund

Please review > NortonLifeLock Cancellation and
Refund Policy

Please check your Norton account to confirm ... Automatic Renewal Off ... and no billing information.
MY SUBSCRIPTIONS reports: Activate Subscription Renewal ... with Automatic Renewal Off.
BILLING INFORMATION reports: There is no billing profile saved in your account
... with no billing information.

Stop your Norton subscription from
automatically renewing

Users may contact Norton Support regarding refund:  
