About Norton background tasks

Hello, I am a daytrader and I run Esignal on my desktop for many hours of the day, mostly 8:00am to 3:00pm or later. Trades and other is done from a closeby laptop.  The desktop only runs Esignal during the day.


This background task stuff keeps coming on, on the desktop pc running Esignal.  I believe I have most of it turned off.  But it keeps coming on.  If I can't fully control a program, out the door it will go.  No automatic stuff is allowed.


I understand from another post that the idle quick scan (now turned off) has to complete once before it will never rear its ugly head again. 


But something called Norton Insight seems to still be coming on.  Is that the Insight Network?  What do I need to turn off for this?


We need one master button to turn off all background and automatic tasks!!!


My computer is not idle when it is running Esignal.  I fight the market all day long, I don't need to be fighting Norton too.

Hello ! I understand your concern ! As the Insight network is important just like the automatic tasks , I would strongly recommend you not touch these options (even though they can be disabled) . Instead , do enable Silent Mode . In this mode , Norton will do all the stuff when it finds appropriate including updates and protection but will not bother you at all unless you really need to know something .


Open the Norton user interface => Click "Settings" => Find the "Miscellaneous" sections => Silent mode

Enabled the option by moving the slider from default OFF to ON.

Please "Apply" and "OK" buttons.


Hope this helps !

You don't seem to understand.  I am not going to have something else doing things while Esignal is running.  It just causes too many problems.  I just left the room for a few minutes and when I came back in, the system(Vista) had rebooted itself.  It said it had some unrecoverable error.  I didn't see what happened.


I will have to just disable the antivirus during the day.  Too much to turn off and on. 

Hello Blackstar99


If you turn off your antivirus program during the day while you are on the net, you are sure to get infected with malware with the end result of not having a computer to use perhaps. But the choice is yours to make.

The firewall is still on, plus the router has a firewall. 


So you think malware is just going to float into the machine, like a mosquito that gets in the door.

Blackstar99 , you can disable the Auto-Protection of Norton , as well as Norton Insight Network but as far as I know you cannot stop the automatic tasks (they include Live Update , Pulse update , Optimization , scans...) .


If you believe you have problems with your program and that this problem is caused by Norton , open the userface => press
"Settings"  => in the "Computer settings" section find Exclusions -> Scan exclusions =>  add your pograms folder as an exclusion so that Norton doesn't interfere with it.



Do you have Windows updates on automatic or some other setting where you have more control of the timing?