I'm not sure if this is an N360 problem but there seem to have been similar posts in the past.
Basically, I can no longer access a shared folder that I have been accessing for several years.
The shared folder is on a WinXP Home desktop and I'm trying to access it from a Win7 Home laptop. Both machines have N360 20.3 installed. I haven't consciously installed any other software or changed the network settings on either machine for over a year.
The error message says "Not enough storage space is available to process this command".
Is this a new 360 install? - I upgraded both machines from v6 to v20 in October 2012 and this problem didn't arise until about a week ago.
The reason I suspect it might be a N360 problem is because I use N360 to do a scheduled backup to the shared folder and this started failing about a week ago.
I'm not sure what the network security map will show as I have never used it and it is not configured.
After much research on the internet, where I found numerous articles that implicated Norton antivirus products in this problem, I found an article that suggested that Acronis products may also be implicated.
Based on this, I removed a copy of Acronis Disk Director Suite 10 from my XP machine and re-booted.
After doing this I was able to access the shared folders again. So the problem may have been solved, but I suppose only time will tell!