Accounts set to advice, but receive no notifications

I was wondering why I have my child's norton set to advise me when she creates any new accounts online.  She has created several and I have received no notifications.  Why is that?


[edit: Changed subject for clarity.]

Message Edited by shannons on 09-07-2009 07:09 AM

Hi jimmjimm,


I assume you are saying you have “XX creates a new account” checked for Social Networking under Settings -> Notify 


Please tell us what new accounts she has created online?



Message Edited by KatieQ on 09-08-2009 11:14 AM

Yes I have that checked.  She has created several profiles on



OnlineFamily.Norton currectly supports monitoring of activity of your child on following social networking Web sites and supporting is on our enhancement list.


• Bebo

• Facebook

• Friendster

• hi5

• MySpace

• myYearbook

• Netlog

• Orkut

• Tagged

• Xanga

• Windows Live Spaces


