Action Required options list

Hey guys.


In the box that pops up after a scan which has detected threats, the "Action Required" box, is it just me or are there options missing from the dropdown menu in the Action column? Because if there isn't, then I'm finding it pointless. After doing a quick search, I haven't found anything on this.


NIS 2010 is a sensitive program. Which is fine by me. But if what I'm seeing is normal, I'd much rather part of the dropdown menu be an option to "exclude/ignore file once" and "... always" instead of me having to click "apply" then go to "Security History", find the file,double click on it, click "options", click "Restore this file", and click yes. It's a very long winded way of going about quite a simple task. Other security programs I've used have this feature and even though I've been using NIS from 2009, and like it alot, I haven't seen this and am confused at why it's not there.


Am I missing it or is it really not there?