Activate online backup

Just bought a new computer ( Windows 7) as old one dying.  Installed Norton 360 and then transfered all my files using the windows easy transfer. 360 is up and running but I can't do a backup.  It won't let me activate the online backup just keeps saying "We are unable to proceed with Norton Account at this time. Please try later".  There is plenty of space.  I can't even see where to add another computer.


Thanks in anticipation.

Moved to own thread for better exposure.

Hello Tony,


From within Norton 360 click on Account. Select Access Norton Account. From there it should let you login. Once logged in try actvating the backup again. 

Hi there,

Click on manage (right side) and exit (remove) all the norton accounts.

try logging in again with your norton account user id and password.

Your backup should work fine.




I followed your thread activated a new backup set that works fine but the orignal backup  I dont know how to delete because it is still showing red at risk

Hello Pumpkin


Please advise if you are still in need of assistance.

Hi, just bought Norton 360 and I'm trying to get the online backup to work.  When I enter the product key I get


Something went wrong

Norton Online Backup  is sorry something went wrong and will look at it right away.

Click here to return to the previous page



The product key obviously worked to load 360 but I'm not sure what to do now. 





Hi Dwayne


Where specifically are you getting that error from: the web when trying to login via or from the locally installed client?


Norton 360's backup functionality is all built into the installed client itself. The web interface is only if you want to download some files but is not necessary for it to work.



Yes I'm getting that when trying to login via the site.  When I'm in 360 the error I

get is: unable to proceed with Norton Account at this time.  Please try again later.





Hi Dwayne


Shoot me a private message containing your Norton account email address and I'll have the account checked out.



No need.  It seems I needed to log out of 360, then open the backup & log in at that

time to get the backup to allow me open the back up set.  I just backed everything up.


Thanks for your attention to this. 



You're welcome. Happy to hear it was resolved with such a simple fix. Proof its not always necessary to uninstall and reinstall :smileyhappy: