I had also the problem to activate Nis 2010. Initially i simply updated my 2009 installation. By activating the product i have got the message: " no response received from symantc server ".
i searched here in the forums and followed the descriptions including the norton removal tool... which also will remove all other norton apps - which u have later on to configure again.
However... nothing helped.
Then i contacted the support which logged on to my computer. The diag was: The problem are the symantec servers and i should try it again in 24 h.
I was sure, that the problem are here on my computer.
If you have also this problem, here is my solution:
use the msconfig trool to disable the Nis2010 service and reboot.
After reboot, terminate all processes which are belonging to Nis2010 including the client console which is starting automatically.
Then open C:\ProgramData\Norton. You will see a directory called 00000082. rename this directory to 00000082.ori.
use msconfig so that all services will be started and reboot.
Open the Nis2010 console. You will get a message, that 0 days are remaining and that u have to activate now!
Past or type in your Produktkey and hit activate.
Now Nis2010 is activated!
It will take 5 Min. to do.
Hope i helped!