Hello everybody,
I hope you'll be able to give me some advice. At the moment, I'm running NIS 2011 on this PC and I have a 3-PC licence. We're about to get a faster connection and we've recently bought 2 laptops, both of which have McAfee security pre-installed. I've been looking through the forum here and, as far as I can tell, I should do the following:
1. Download the latest version of NIS from the lnk given in this thread
2. Use the McAfee removal tool, which I've already downloaded, as described in the same thread.
3. Install NIS 2011 on the laptops, which both run Wndows 7 Home Premium - one is 32 bit and the other is 64 bit, but I read that this shouldn't be troublesome here
I want to keep NIS 2011 for now, but I'd like to know if I can download it in advance so that I've got it ready to install.
Another thing I need to know is how to add both new installations to my account without any problems arising!
I'll be very grateful for any help and advice you can give me. Thanks.