So, I've read all the threads about how to exclude a file from Norton ... from all the various pieces of Norton. was very frustrating, because in NONE of the threads or other places on the web indicated you seem to have to be logged in to an admin-privileged account on your Windows machine (I am running Win 8).
Even trying to run NIS as administrator does not seem to provide me with the ability to exclude files from Norton's aggressive deletion.
...even though I downloaded a file to a folder I've excluded from scanning, it still deleted it.
I don't have any advanced options when looking at quarantined files...
In fact, I don't have most of the options (or views) referenced when discussing how to do this...
I've spent a LONG time, and many attempts, trying to download this file ... which is an installation file...let alone trying to install and run it .. where I suspect I'll run into more of Norton's removals...sigh...
It is GOOD security to run under a user account, and not an admin account. Having to LOG INTO an admin account (especially since it's not that easy to run two accounts on a Win8 machine simultaneously ... if at all) in order to sort everything out and finally use this new program is particularly troublesome.
Please tell me there's a way to do this without having to log into an admin account?
...and if not, why can it not be made possible to do by running NIS with admin privileges in a user account.
Much appreciated...
jkhappy! :)