Additional device issue

When adding a second device I am advised that my subscription has expired when it is still valid and I cannot add any further devices.

View your devices and entitlements on your Norton account

Send a download link through Email or SMS to install Norton protection on another device

Transfer your protection from one device to another device

I have renewed my Norton subscription, but the product still shows that it has expired ›

If your Norton product displays an incorrect number of days or says that it has expired, you may not have installed the correct product that you have purchased, or it is likely that the new subscription is in a different account. Sign in to the correct account and try installing the product again from your account. For detailed instructions on how to install your product, read Download and install your Norton device security. 

Your Norton account < > is advising your subscription expired?
R U Sign'd In to the correct Norton account? 
Norton 360 client is advising your subscription expired?

Please run Subscription Status.
Please run Get Support > Autofix 
Hoping your Norton product will sync with Norton servers. 

Run Norton Autofix to detect and repair common problems

For Norton technical issues please include details for faster assistance from our forum Gurus and contributors:

  • Norton product or service name and version
  • Operating system - version / build 
  • Norton error message / error code / screen shot (mask personal info)
  • Steps to reproduce issue

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