Adobe Shockwave 11 - Warning!

Hi :smileyhappy:



Just To Let You Know...


A few days ago I received an update for - Adobe Shockwave 11


As the update went through the installation..

There was something that had I not noticed - May have caused big problems with - NIS 09 :smileysad:


One of the installation windows asking me to click - Next

Had a notice about also installing Norton Scanner ( Or Something Like That )

The box to install the Norton Scanner was already - Ticked :smileysurprised:


Already Having - NIS 09

Had I not noticed this and just clicked - Next

I would imagine... It could have caused all kinds of problems.

In Fact!

Whatever security someone has installed on their computer..

I Can Still Imagine... Accidentally installing this Norton Scanner could cause problems.


I have bad eyesight... And could have easily missed this extra install :smileysad:


I really don't like it when - Software Installs / Software Updates ...

Try to install something I didn't ask for or expect.

They should at least leave the box - Unticked :smileymad:


Message Edited by Zana on 01-01-2009 04:44 PM