ADOBE updated reader

I hope this is not out of line to ask about an ADOBE product, but it does realate in some ways to security.

I downlaoded the new adobe reader (version 9) and the flash player 10

After I noticed the following programs added to my system



Adobe Air

Adobe Flash Player 10

Adobe Reader 9

 getPlus for ADOBE


Obviously flash player and reader I wanted. But the acrobat and adobe air, what are they and should they be part of this? I downloaded directly from the adobe site

I also got something

getPlus for Adobe which comes from NOS Microsystems so thats not part of adobe. I pull down some malice?

When you installed it you should have unchecked those options. Go to the Adobe site and see.

I had to download it here at work and I don’t think there was an option. What are you saying to delete dieselman? Or what not to download so when I do it at home

Better off dumping Adobe and using Foxit Reader. I never said delete 1986. When ever you install something you can select the components you only want to install.

would that be when you go to




Not allowing the active X control ADOBE DLM and just clicking

Thank you. Your download will start automatically.
If it does not start,
click here to download.

[removed link - do not link to direct downloads. please link to download page]
Message Edited by Allen_K on 11-13-2008 11:00 AM

I uninstalled it here at work and then reinstalled it. I didn’t ok the active X  and it didn’t download the get plus, but it still downloaded adobe air along with reader 9

Hi Notechguy

I downloaded this recently adobe V9,I deleted adobe AIR and,It was 204MB download.I know there was something that I unchecked but sorry can't remember what it was:smileysad:What I have deleted does not seem to have effected anything.In control panel>add/remove programs my Adobe showed flashplayer,and the 3 mentioned above all as separate identities I deleted 2 of them and all is ok.Hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.

OMG…240MB. Can you say bloated. Foxit Reader is only 16MB and its twice as fast. Flash Player and Shockwave Player is the only thing you need from Adobe.

Hi Diesel

I am beginning to know what you are talking about by the "bloated" comments,I always drag my heals on updating as the downloads seem to always get bigger.But alas I'm still not comfortable about stepping outside the square to try the new!Keep posting the differences between programs.

Yes, Adobe Reader bundles a lot of preinstalled crapware. There are several ways to remedy:


  • Simplest: Switch to Foxit Reader. You will not regret.
  • Moderate: Uninstall: I used Revo Uninstaller to uninstall the extra components, with a certain degree of sucess. Leaves behind tons of registry errors =(
  • Hardest: Extract the msi files from the Adobe Reader installation package using WinRar. Use Orca to edit the msi files, so that it will install w/o displaying a error about a component not found. Orca: VirusTotal Report: Clean. 

Open your eyes MO. You are not stepping outside the sqaure. Nobody says you have to use Adobe. Nobody says you have use Internet Explorer. Nobody says you have to use Windows. Nobody says you have to use Microsoft Word which is why I use Its a free world and you can use whatever programs you want to use. Download Foxit Reader and try it yourself. Reboot. Go open up a PDF with Adobe which will take along time. Open up that same PDF with Foxit and it will take seconds. Eyes wide open Mo. Eyes wide open.

Will do!:smileyhappy:

Notechguy wrote:

I hope this is not out of line to ask about an ADOBE product, but it does realate in some ways to security.

I downlaoded the new adobe reader (version 9) and the flash player 10

After I noticed the following programs added to my system



Adobe Air

Adobe Flash Player 10

Adobe Reader 9

 getPlus for ADOBE


Obviously flash player and reader I wanted. But the acrobat and adobe air, what are they and should they be part of this? I downloaded directly from the adobe site

I also got something

getPlus for Adobe which comes from NOS Microsystems so thats not part of adobe. I pull down some malice?


I doubt you got Acrobat - it costs about $400.  i bet you got the freebie, which is a free file sharing and saving service on line.  Allows you access your documents anywhere, or share them with others as you may wish to. 


Adobe Air is another in the world of media players/viewers.  I haven't tried it, but you might like it.  It probably has some special tricks particular to it.


Plus is some kind of club/organization for some kind of Adobe users.  I imagine the desktop item is merely a link to a web site where you can join it.


Adobe Reader reads Acrobat (and other) created documents.  Yes, it is large, but it also does far more than its so-called replacements.  You can receive and fill out forms that are Acrobat creations (more and more government documents, applications from businesses, etc, will be fillable and even submittable on screen if you have a reader that can handle it).  You can view 3D images such as architectural renderings, models, etc, and manipulate them to view them at any angle or viewpoint, with or without light orientation, either statically or moving through time.  You can listen to embedded sound clips and view embedded video clips.  You can print with various strategies (two-sided, back-to-front, even pages or odd pages, more).


I've asked the posters here if the products they recommend can do any or all of these things and based on their silence, I guess the answer is "no".  Of course, within fifteen seconds of this post hitting their screen, you can bet they will be posting to tell you why you don't want these capabilities and how Adobe will eat up all your free space and kidnap your family members.  It's really up to you.  If your machine dates from the 90's and your hard drive is under 5 gigs, you definitely do not want this software on your computer.  If you are using a contemporary machine, especially one with one of those 300G drives, I can't think of any real reason not to.


Good luck, whatever you do.

Message Edited by mijcar on 11-12-2008 08:36 PM

Mo did you get the following when you downloaded?
Adobe Air
Adobe Reader 9
Adobe9 Installer (If I download using the DLM Active X)
getPlus for ADOBE (If I download using the DLM Active X)


I deleted all except Adobe Reader 9

Tech, can’t you just use the remove program function in the windows add/remove program?

Hi NY1986

I recieved Adobe Air(now removed via add/remove programs) as above)and what I wanted Adobe reader V9.I remember clicking the DLM active X but don't know exactly what it did or where it is?The installer I  have stuck it in my download folder as I don't know what you do with it ie delete it or keep it??

Hi mo,


Did you actually get the updated reader?


Go to Add-Remove Programs and see if Adobe Reader 9 is there.


Let us know.

Yes I did,Thanks.

I had a look at Foxit reader looks ok but decided to keep the Adobe Reader till I learn a bit more.

mo wrote:


I had a look at Foxit reader looks ok but decided to keep the Adobe Reader till I learn a bit more.

Good choice. And, mijcar pointed out some of the unique features included in the Adobe Reader.


There is no shame in using Original Programs.

NY1986 wrote:
Tech, can't you just use the remove program function in the windows add/remove program

Yeah, I tried that, however I use Revo Uninstaller. However, Revo was not to succesfully...lots of orphaned files and registry entries :(. 


I would just remove the msi files and install only the ones you need. Or use Foxit Reader. 


And who needs those unique features?

Message Edited by Tech0utsider on 11-15-2008 09:09 AM