The advanced settings are grayed out - the ones where it checks for keyloggers etc.
Why are these grayed out and I dont have access to activate them?
The advanced settings are grayed out - the ones where it checks for keyloggers etc.
Why are these grayed out and I dont have access to activate them?
To get you the best advice, would you give us some more information about your system:
What version of Windows are you using including Service Packs and whether 32 bit or 64 bit as well as the Name and Version ID of the Norton product that you are using -- Help / About is where that is, in the format of nn.nn.nn.nnn
If you have the COMCAST version of Norton 360 / Security Suite and not the normal commercial version please be sure to tell us.
If you get any error messages please give the exact wording of them as well as any other background that could be helpful.
When we know what Norotn Product you are using the messages may be moved to the forum specific for that product.for better exposure. You won't lose sight of it because a link will be left here.
I dont know what you need info about my system for as it doesnt apply to the grayed out part in Nortons IS 2011.
It's grayed on on our Vista, and our 2 Win XP;s
We dont have comcast we have another ISP
SVC packs on ALL computers are 3 except for the I THINK the vista ( not sure ) but it IS updated with the correct one.
2 computers are 64 and one is a 32 bit.
I reinstalled one of my OS today and went to re install Nortons IS 2011 and that is when I noticed it, so i checked all the machines and they are all grayed out in that area.
Hi NandR,
The Norton Smart Firewall has two modes of operation: Automatic Program Control and Advanced Events Monitoring. When used in Automatic Program Control mode, which is the preferred option, the firewall handles all connection requests automatically. The options you are asking about are therefore grayed out. If you disable Automatic Program Control and turn on Advanced Events Monitoring the program will prompt you to make all the decisions about internet access requests. You can use the configuration settings you are asking about to modify the various components of AEM. Advanced Events Monitoring is for troubleshooting and testing and should only be used if you are an advanced user with a solid understanding of firewalls and a knowledge of how to tell a legitimate connection request from a questionable one. The easiest and most secure configuration for most users is to leave Automatic Program Control enabled - that is really how the firewall is designed to operate in everyday use. The components that are grayed out will be handled automatically by the firewall.
Ok let me take a look at it and Ill get back to you
NandR wrote:I dont know what you need info about my system for as it doesnt apply to the grayed out part in Nortons IS 2011.
It's grayed on on our Vista, and our 2 Win XP;s
We dont have comcast we have another ISP
SVC packs on ALL computers are 3 except for the I THINK the vista ( not sure ) but it IS updated with the correct one.2 computers are 64 and one is a 32 bit.
I reinstalled one of my OS today and went to re install Nortons IS 2011 and that is when I noticed it, so i checked all the machines and they are all grayed out in that area.
Hi NandR,
Welcome to the Norton Community. SendOfJive answered the question about the Smart Firewall so I thought I'd respond to something else you mentioned.
The questions Hugh asked are all standard questions that we typically ask of everyone who posts in the Community. We need to have an overall picture of your system as all of these standard questions help determine the course of actions and steps that we recommend. All of these tihngs are entertwined and can affect each other.
Another important reason we ask these "boiler plate" questions is that we find a lot of users do not have the most up to date version of Norton software and/or Windows OS updates and this allows us to make recommendations on those things as well, even if they don't directly apply to the question(s) asked. In this way we are able to help the user avoid a lot of future problems as well.
Best wishes and again Welcome to the Community.
Ok so basically what you're saying is even though they're grayed out they're enabled and working and protecting my systems?
NandR wrote:Ok so basically what you're saying is even though they're grayed out they're enabled and working and protecting my systems?
Hi NandR,
As SendOfJive said, this is normal if you are referring to the settings Smart Firewall > Advanced Settings. The buttons under Advanced Events Monitoring are supposed to ge grayed out. As you can see below, mine are the same way as will everyone else's be also.
Automatic program control handles everything to ensure that only duly authorized programs can access the internet. So yes your firewall is fully and 100% functional and in proper working operation.
Best wishes.
<< I dont know what you need info about my system for ..... >>
Thanks to AllenM, you do now .....
We can't see your computer and you might be surprised how often users give completely incorrect information about something critical until they actually go and look where we ask them to.
NandR wrote:Ok so basically what you're saying is even though they're grayed out they're enabled and working and protecting my systems?
Yes, the grayed out options are only available when Automatic Program Control is turned off and Advanced Events Monitoring is enabled. When operating in the Automatic Program Control mode all of these components are configured automatically and user input is denied. For reasons stated in my earlier post you should leave Automatic Program Control enabled, as Advanced Events Monitoring really requires a user to know exactly what they are doing or connectivity problems can arise.