Hello everyone. I tengon a problem emerged as a result of the NIS upgrade to version When I used ccleaner to clean the SO Waste (I do this daily) in the corresponding registry cleaning section CCleaner detects a missing reference type library that can not be erased. From what I could find out in the internet forums this is a residue left by Norton, possibly the previous version of NIS (I replaced in the registri key some of his numbers with asterisks for security/privacy matters):
IBackupLocationsShellFolderImpl - {0***20*24-0000-00*0-*000-000***0000*6} HKCR\Interface\{F0E**5D7-8**7-42*8-90FE-6***01C417*5}
I want Symantec employee tell me if this registry entry is in fact a residue. If this is so, I would be instructed to remove so that no debris in the operating system. Thanks in advance, best regards