For whatever the reason, when a Norton user decides to stop using Norton, the remaining issues/questions are: How do I delete security scan, safe search and stop receiving family reporting, and oher Norton notices?
In other words how to sanitize the old user's devices from any/all warnings/notices?
Run this tool...under advanced select remove only.
Make sure you have Norton family removed from ALL your devices following the links I posted. Your accounts are still active if you are still getting notifications.
Thank you.
But, I've tried deleting Norton Security using MS Program and Features several times to no avail.
A screen from Norton Security pops up offering a free 30-day Norton Security.
I then also tried skipping and closing the window to no avail.
All other Norton products have been removed using your recommendation of Program and Features.
The only remaining Norton program is Norton Security scan!!!
My family reports continue to arrive even when I have requested several month ago to stop them.
That is why my comments refer to sanitize user's devices.
Hello cvillar. Norton security scan is easily removed within your control panel under programs and features as is the Norton product. Within your browser(s) simply remove the extension(s). To completely remove the product use this tool for windows and this tool for MAC. For Norton family products follow these instructions. For Norton mobile products simply remove them through your settings and restart the device. CCleaner is a great tool to cleanup your system as well. And lastly contact support to have your accounts disabled as well.