ALL my Identity Safe logins and websites have been erased EXCEPT Facebook! WHY???????

I am NOT great with computers, and I can never remember the various Logins I have to create for the many forums I use - which is why I've used identity safe to remember them for me for over 4 computers and many years. 


Now I've been offline for a few days, then I log in to visit my sites and they have all vanished. ( only my two Facebook pages are still listed.  I can't find ANY record of any of the other logins ( some 30+ at least) anywhere in Norton 360 - and as usual, 'help' is NOT very helpful. (why can't these computer guys speak plain ENGLISH???


I don't remember all the addresses I've lost, much less the nuances of forum names and passwords - which require numbers, which I capitalized, etc. 


I thought Norton was designed to PROTECT me from this headache, not CAUSE one!


Can someone tell me what the H*** went wrong and how to fix it and get my logins back?