why is it that we can upgrade other norton products and get them cheaper so we stay with norton but we cannot upgrade ghost?
i had ghost 10 and when i went to upgrade to ghost 12 it said i cannot upgrade and had to purchase 12 outright. this annoyed me at the time and now i was considering upgrading to ghost 14. seeing as i have to pay the full price and not get any offers for being loyal, i am now going to pay for acronis true image instead. when i upgrade that i will get it cheaper.
if norton wants to sell their ghost they should treat us like all other norton product and give us a upgrade price.
it is very unfair!!!!
i like all norton in my machine all together too but if i have to change and have all different kinds of software then i am considering acronis, bit defender and ccleaner instead of what i have is ghost 12, nis 2009 and systemworks 12.
come on symantec, keep it all in the family and treat your loyal customers fairly or we might clear off to someone else and you will lose a 5 year loyal customer!!!