and yet anothe BUG ! ! !

Finally got the new download. Unlike most users, I actually was able to download and sign in. HOWEVER, i was asked to register the COMPUTER NAME that the account was going to monitor. The current computer name was alread populated in the entry window. I accepted this answer then NOF sent the error message that this computer name was already assigned - PLEASE PICK ANOTHER COMPUTER NAME----.


WXP PRO SP3 Dell Optiplex 745, Running as client through WServer 2003


I post this for those left standing - holding the bag!. I was fortunate enough to have enough access to REMOVE NOF from my system...and I will not look back. Try AVG SAFE FAMILY. Up an running in 10 minutes. @$20 for 3 computers. Similar functions and interface - only  missing element is the ability to specify the AMOUNT OF HOURS used per day (IE - 6 hour time slot but only 2 hours allowed). SO I just posted a list for my kids. Here is your time slot - get used to it.


Good Luck ALL, You're going to need it!