Announcing Norton Identity Safe 5.4 update for Firefox/Chrome/Safari browsers

[Updated on September 17, 2018:  Norton Identity Safe extension update is now available for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers ]

[Updated on August 13, 2018: Norton Identity Safe extension update is now available for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers]

[Updated on July 30, 2018: Norton Identity Safe extension update is now available for Mozilla Firefox ONLY]

Hi Everyone,

We have released Norton Identity Safe extension update for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers with bug fixes and improvements. 


Release Version:  Norton Identity Safe for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers 

Note: Norton Identity Safe extension update is released for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers only.  Norton Identity Safe update will be released for Microsoft Edge browser soon

What’s new in Norton Identity safe 5.4?

- Safety Dashboard: Norton Identity Safe displays the health of the logins and passwords stored in the cloud vault. It lets you increase the strength of your passwords to improve your safety score and reduce the risks associated with online safety.
Note: The Safety Dashboard feature is currently in beta. To enhance your experience, the feature will be updated with more relevant features and functionalities with refined appearance, behavior, and availability. You can try the Safety Dashboard feature and share your feedback in Norton Toolbar | Norton Identity Safe.

For more information please refer our Norton Support article: Safety Dashboard

- Autochange Password:  The Autochange Password feature of Identity Safe supports automatic changing of your passwords for several websites without navigating outside the application. Currently, the Autochange Password feature supports websites, such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, Costco, PayPal, Yahoo, and Wikipedia.

For more information on Autochage now please refer our Norton Support article: Autochange Password

Please refer FAQ: Norton Identity Safe Norton Knowledge base support article for more information on new Norton Identity Safe browser extension releases