Annoying popups

How do  I remove the annoying popups that tell me a quick scan has completed in NIS 2012?

Please advise

At the moment, enabling Silent Mode is the only method to suppress the quick scan notifications in the 2012 products. This is a known issue and should be fixed in a future update


Manually enabling Silent Mode will suppress all notifications.

Silent mode would have to be activated manually every day.  Also that would eliminate any background scans that protect the computer.

I'll wait for the update

So, Norton Task Notification > Off ~ does not work ?


I havn't tried > Off ....I don't mind the occasional reminder that Norton is on the JOB. 


Is Norton Task Notification > Off not working a known bug ?


As well as the background scans, Silent Mode would suspend all other background activities. I forgot about this.


I have not had a chance to check the behavior fully but I think turning off Norton Task Notification does work except for the Quick Scan notifications.


The issue is acknowledged here.


ALiasEX wrote:

The issue is acknowledged here.


Thanks, I was not aware Norton Task Notification ~ Off was buggy.