Another Anti Spam Not Working Post

Running Outlook 2010 on windows 10.  Yep 2010 is old but it works well for me.  Using POP3 with SMTP and running Norton Anti Spam.  Anti Spam filter is enabled and also enabled with Outlook.  As far as I can tell I check all the boxes for Antispam to work.  I get I can't stop spam, and that spammers will keep changing their email address to hide from filters, but why does Norton not see the repeats and then and move them to the spam folder as its supposed to.  I also have Norton set to automatically add spam names and domains to the blocked list.  However, it will not flag or block spam and I keep getting the spam from the same names and domains.  And yes they are the same real names and domains ans same false cover addresses.  I keep manually flagging email as spam, Norton moves it into it's spam folder and then the next day I get the same email from the same address again and again not picked up by Norton.  Frustrating and useless to have Norton.  If it could just catch the repeats that would be a huge help and I thought was what it was supposed to do.  Am I missing something?





Found a solution that actually works!  My email is immediately cleaner after this fix.

Here's what I did in case it helps someone else going forward.

Step 1:  Download Spambayes and install.

Step 2: Uninstall Norton AntiSpam.

Spam is now being redirected to junk folder like it should be!


GG Norton, really?  You couldn't have done this with what I pay a year for the subscription?