Another Case of Full System Scans Crashing

In March, as part of the LiveUpdate, a patch was downloaded for my Norton 360.  After that patch was applied, Norton 360 would always freeze during full system scans.  Always.  I have hoped that at least one of the patches issued since March would solve this problem, but none have.  So, today, over two months on, I ran Power Eraser.  It did not help.  Then I ran the Norton Remove & Reinstall Tool to put a fresh version of the software on my computer. 


As soon as I ran LiveUpdate and a new patch was downloaded, Norton froze.  I rebooted my  computer and tried again.  Norton 360 froze again during a full system scan.  I let Windows close the program and tried again.  Again it froze.


This has been going on now for months.  It worked just fine before a patch a few months ago and has not worked since.


Norton 360 Version:

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit


Yes, my graphics card driver is up to date as are all of my other drivers and Windows.


I have read the other posts and I have tried running the scan after changing the settins so that compressed files were not scanned.  It froze even faster than before.

jmhn wrote:


As soon as I ran LiveUpdate and a new patch was downloaded, Norton froze.  I rebooted my  computer and tried again.  Norton 360 froze again during a full system scan.  I let Windows close the program and tried again.  Again it froze.


Hi jhmn,

A bit of clarification please. You first state you run LU, a patch is downloaded and Norton frozeand then you say Norton froze again during a full system scan. Are you saying that Norton always freezes after running LU and always while running a full scan or just one or the other?  From the title of your thread - it says Full System Scan crashing.  Let us know which.


Also please see this thread as it may be something else causing your situation.


Also addtional info, such as does this only occur with a manual ful scan or scheduled as well, does the Quick Scan and Custom Scan run to completion?



I'm not sure if this input helps, but I've been running 360 since Nov '12. I run a daily Full Sys Scan but it's always running overnight. unattended. I haven't had any problems with the scans as yet. I check the log file each morning to view the scan results. So far, all's ok. It usually detects 1 or 2 "tracking cookie" flags and removes them.


I run nightly scans at 2:30am. They usually take about 30-40 minutes to complete. I also run a weekly night scan on my external USB HDD.


Windows 7 64 bit

360 version


The only thing that I had to do with my PC, was to wake it up before the 360 scheduler started the nightly scan. I use the Windows Task Scheduler to wake the PC about 2 minutes before the scheduled scan start time.