Have cable internet. The router has a wire connecting it to the PC (password protected). The router also has wireless function (also password protected) WE sometimes use the wireless part of the router for wi-fi connection with the iPhone.
However the router is in the back part of the house, in the back corner onthe floor. So sometimes the wireless connection is weak.
Wife heard that the router should not really be in a corner close to a wall.
But the wire that connects the router to the PC is raher short so we cant really move the router to the middle of the room.
So we want the get a longer wire so he the router can still be connected to the PC, but then the router can be moved to the middle of the room.
1. what is the type of wire we need to get to get a longer version of to connect the router to the PC?
2. Can we leave the wire power plug connected to the electrical outlet evenif we change the wire that connects to the PC? In essence can the router remain on even if it is disconected from the pc?
3. I’ve asked this before, but if the router is disconnected and then reconnected to the PC, do passwords need to be reset?