Another Trojan.gen 2 80000000.@ infection



Like many others, I'm getting this pop-up every couple of minutes.  I'm running SEP 11.0.7101.1056 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine.  I have tried to remove this using Symantec's ZeroAccess remover and the Symantec Power Eraser - per suggestions on the Symantec site - without any luck.  I see that many on this forum are being helped with this issue and hope that someone can do the same for me.  Exat details from the SEP notifications (there are 2) below.  Thanks in advance for your help.


Scan type: Auto-Protect Scan
Event: Risk Found!
Security risk detected: Trojan.Gen.2
File: C:\Users\tchristy\AppData\Local\{afca8265-4d41-4e90-2897-f247366b1a60}\U\80000000.@
Location: C:\Users\tchristy\AppData\Local\{afca8265-4d41-4e90-2897-f247366b1a60}\U
User: tchristy
Action taken: Pending Side Effects Analysis : Access denied
Date found: Friday, June 08, 2012  3:20:25 PM


Scan type: Auto-Protect Scan
Event: Risk Found!
Security risk detected: Trojan Horse
File: C:\Users\tchristy\AppData\Local\{afca8265-4d41-4e90-2897-f247366b1a60}\U\800000cb.@
Location: C:\Users\tchristy\AppData\Local\{afca8265-4d41-4e90-2897-f247366b1a60}\U
User: tchristy
Action taken: Pending Side Effects Analysis : Access denied
Date found: Friday, June 08, 2012  3:20:25 PM