So, instead of just renewing my 2005 Anti-Virus, I decided to upgrade to the 2009 version. Big problem. It downloads and installs okay, but when it comes time to 'activate' the product, it keeps failing. It can't reach the symantec activation server.
I contacted symantec on-line chat, and the technician asked if he could remote into my machine to fix it. Sure, what ever. So I can browse the web and chat with this technician. He remotes into my box, uninstalls and reinstalls a couple times, reboots, cleans out some old entries in the registry for the 2005, re-installs again, and tries several other things (all with me watching). But in the end he just says, "You'll have to talk with your ISP about getting around the proxy to activate the product. The product can't be activated behind a proxy server."
Well *that* ain't going to happen, the proxy server is a corporate 'data security' IT department machine and they won't touch it, change it, poke a hole in it, or whatever. Can't change the proxy settings without the VP of 'Network Security' say so.
The tech said it *would* be able to get updates once I get it activated (not too helpful right now, is it?). Meanwhile, since the product can't 'phone home' to get activated, it thinks it's still in a trial period and is counting down a 15 day trial period.
I wish I had known this before I downloaded four licenses for some anti-virus software that I can't use on these four machines without taking them out the security gate (after getting a manager to sign a propery pass), take them home to connect to internet at home or some such nonsense. Or smuggle in a dial-up modem and use it with some sort of dial-up account (and risk my job, bypassing the corporate security?? I don't think so...)
Anyone know how I can get these four copies of 2009 AV 'activated' before the 'trial period' runs out? Otherwise I'm going to have to try and get a refund and go with some other product.
P.S. Why would they make a product that can be downloaded, automatically remove the old version, install the new one, get the latest updates, and everything else through a proxy, but stop short of being useful because it can't be 'activated' through the same proxy?? Somebody really missed the boat on that one.....