My Sonic Riders game will only run when I disable the antivirus in my NIS 2012. Is there something I could configure to make it work when it's switched on?
Thanks, Michael.
My Sonic Riders game will only run when I disable the antivirus in my NIS 2012. Is there something I could configure to make it work when it's switched on?
Thanks, Michael.
Hello Michael and welcome!
There are ways to exclude programs from the Auto-Protect features, but first I would like to ask you two questions.
What type of trouble are you having with the game?
Are you getting any notifications from Norton about this program?
Please make sure that you exclude the .exe file in the auto protect scan. It should resolve the issue.
Hello Srisanth,
Before excluding the file, it would be wise to to determine if it is safe and not triggering any Norton alerts.
That was the purpose of my initial questions to Michael as we do not know exactly what he is experiencing.
Hi Phil,
Until I disable the antivirus I get a repeated error message telling me to place the correct disc in the drive. I get no messages from Norton.
Many thanks,
I am not familiar with this game, Michael.
Is this an installed game program or does it run from a CD?
Is the message generated by the game program or from Windows?
Could you post a screenshot of the error message? Here is a link about posting screenshots to this forum.
It's a CD!
Some Applications (mostly Games) requires the CD/DVD to be placed in the CD/DVD drive. To avoid this you have to use the Virtual CD/DVD drive softwares (Like Power ISO, Daemon Tools, etc ) to mount the CD/DVD Image in their Virtual drive.
Power ISO Faq's here.
Daemon Tools Faq's here.
PS: Is this a Genuine copy of the Game or a Pirated Version = Because Pirated versions, If the Crack or the Patch is not applied they will give this message.
Play the free version of the games, if you like'em Please use legitimate copies.
It is definitely legitimate. It should work in the physical drive with the antivirus running.
Hello Michael,
Do other CDs and DVD's function properly in the drive without disabling Norton Auto-Protect? If no disks work properly, we have to take a different approach.
If other disks work okay in the drive, then let's add an exclusion for this one specific disk.
If you are completely certain that this program / disk is safe:
Let us know how you do.
Hi, I configured the drive as you said, although it would only allow me to exclude the whole drive. This wasn't successful so I excluded the installed program on my hard drive as well (although the program is installed on my computer, it needs the CD to run the game); this didn't make any real difference either, although it did work once.
I checked again that the program works with the antivirus disabled - it did. As I only ever disable the antivirus when disconnected from the internet, I tried the game with the antivirus running with no internet access - success!!
The problem is obviously been caused by my being connected to the internet. I can obviously get round this, although it's a bit of a pain. Have you any ideas? Could it be something that can be configured within the firewall?
Sorry if I've misled you with the antivirus!!
Many thanks,
Just an update, even though replies have dried up.
My grandson has just visited and it was necessary to disable the antivirus in order to play the Sonic Riders game.
Looks like it's something I'll have to live with ....
Hello mjhorm0
First of all, is the game fully patched? If it is, I would suggest this.
Please go to Settings----General----Silent Mode Settings-----User Specified Programs----Configure
In this setting, please enter the game's exe.
Hi, thanks for that.
Tried what you said, even though silent mode not engaged, but it didn't work. Disabled antivirus and it worked no problem.
Sorry, just read up about silent mode and now realise it would show 'off' anyway.
Still didn't work though.