I am trying to log in remotely to my desktop at work using RDP Client which I could always do before I upgraded Norton 360 tonight, I’m running Vista using Explorer 7. I noticed Scott had the same problem months ago, Norton support indicates its not their software but it has to be because before this installation, I didn’t have a problem - help!
Hi scott78945,
Are you using Norton AntiVirus or Norton Internet Security? Please let us know the version of the product that you are using as well.
Norton Forums Moderator
Symantec Corporation
Sorry, I’m using Antivirus 2009 on Vista 64bit.
scott78945 wrote:
Sorry, I'm using Antivirus 2009 on Vista 64bit.
Could be that combination but Tom can help you out
hi scott78945 - you can download an eicar test script and confirm if real-time is running or not...
I am trying to log into my desktop at work using RDP Client and I keep getting this error- Antivirus “realtime” monitoring is not enabled. But when I check it, it certainly is enabled. I am running Vista and assuming that this is a Vista issue. Anyone ever encounter anything like this?
Hi Lindyvan,
If you still face problem with RDP client even after resetting firewall as suggested above, you may need to check the Program Rules for mstsc.exe,the executable responsible for Remote Desktop connection.
1. Start Norton 360.
2. Click Settings.
3. Click Firewall.
4. In the Program Rules tab, check whether mstsc.exe is already present.
5. If it is already present in the Program Rules list, make sure that it is set to Allow for the Internet Access. Then go to Line 8.
6. If it is not present, click Add, select mstsc.exe from C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder and click Open.
7. From the drop-down box for Internet Access, select Allow and click OK.
8. Click Apply, and then click OK.
9. Click Close.
I am trying to log in remotely to my desktop at work using RDP Client which I could always do before I upgraded Norton 360 tonight, I’m running Vista using Explorer 7. I noticed Scott had the same problem months ago, Norton support indicates its not their software but it has to be because before this installation, I didn’t have a problem - help!