En mi oficina tengo un Servidor HP Proliant ML150G6, que asiste a 7 terminales sin CPU, la red esta armada con el sistema NComputing.
Necesito un antivirus URGENTE
Que me pueden ofrecer
Quedo a la espera
En mi oficina tengo un Servidor HP Proliant ML150G6, que asiste a 7 terminales sin CPU, la red esta armada con el sistema NComputing.
Necesito un antivirus URGENTE
Que me pueden ofrecer
Quedo a la espera
What is the best antivirus for Vista and for Mac 10.5? Can you advise me sth?
I'm using Norton at work and Intego Virusbarrier at home ;-)
Norton offers its Antivirus and Internet Security products in a Dual Protection package that includes software for both Mac and Windows.
Hi wmgkle:
Is your Norton icon available in the taskbar? If you right click on it, is there an option to "enable auto-protect?"
Are you able to run liveupdate again to see if it will update? Are you using Norton Antivirus or Norton Internet Security?
I am running Norton 360. As I am writing this I am unable to see your response at the same time. (A flaw in the blog software). I did not see the phrase you included on the page or under the tasks menu. There are tasks to run a scan, look for updates, make a backup, view monthly report, view security history, check vulnerability protection, view Norton Insight network, manage backup sets, restore files, buy more storage, restore online backup files, run diagnostic report, run startup manager, run registry cleanup, run Norton Insight, and Check Norton Tasks. Nothing about antivirus.
The main screen that comes up says PC security PROTECTED, Identity Protection PROTECTED, Backup PROTECTED, PC Tuneup PROTECTED. Again nothing about the antivirus.
I am sure that the help desk turned everything back on. Should mysteriously fail again I will try to run the look for updates and hope that fixes it. I hope that the system designers and the web designers see my points and take some action.
wmgkle wrote:I am running Norton 360. As I am writing this I am unable to see your response at the same time. (A flaw in the blog software). I did not see the phrase you included on the page or under the tasks menu. There are tasks to run a scan, look for updates, make a backup, view monthly report, view security history, check vulnerability protection, view Norton Insight network, manage backup sets, restore files, buy more storage, restore online backup files, run diagnostic report, run startup manager, run registry cleanup, run Norton Insight, and Check Norton Tasks. Nothing about antivirus.
The main screen that comes up says PC security PROTECTED, Identity Protection PROTECTED, Backup PROTECTED, PC Tuneup PROTECTED. Again nothing about the antivirus.
I am sure that the help desk turned everything back on. Should mysteriously fail again I will try to run the look for updates and hope that fixes it. I hope that the system designers and the web designers see my points and take some action.
Hi wmgkle,
This is normal. Anti-virus protection is under PC Security and if it shows Protected then this includes anti-virus.
You can see sample screens on the Symantec product page at the following location:
Click on How it Works, then down at the bottom you will see sample user interface screens which you can use to compare with what you have.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes.
Hi Mimu, ich habe die Möglichkeit das Program entweder auszuführen oder diese Datei zu entfernen. Bist du als Administrator angemeldet? Welches Produkt benutzt du? Kannst dazu auch ein Screenshot schicken?
ich habe dasselbe Problem mit einer RAR-Komprimierten Datei. Regelmässig meldet Norton "Aktion erforderlich". Wie Norton auf diese Datei kommt weiss ich nicht, ich habe das Verzeichnis vom scannen ausgeschlossen und verzichte auf den Scan von komprimierten Dateien. Auch Leerlaufzeit-Scans ist auf "aus". Zudem habe ich das File nie angerührt. Mittlerweilen habe ich diese Datei einfach umbenannt -erfolglos. Norton sieht noch immer eine Bedrohung, allerdings mit dem alten Dateinamen. Ich bin ratlos und fühle mich jetzt eher von Norton bedroht.
Vorschläge was ich noch tun könnte?
Windows XP, ohne Administratorrechte