Any chance of retrieving my passwords?

I had Norton 360 on my machine, but it started throwing up some errors. Advice from the help desk was to uninstall and reinstall Norton 360


I uninstalled it using the removal tool, but when I went to reinstall it again I couldn't. I don't have Vista SP1 on this computer and Norton would not reinstall.


I cannot for the life of me get Vista to install SP1 on this computer. I've been trying for 3 days, reading everything I can find on the web about it. It just won't install.


So that leaves me unable to retrieve my passwords. No I don't have a backup. Yes I know I should!  :o


It's not on the Online Vault. It's local only


Is there any possibility at all that my passwords are still sitting on my computer in a database or file of some sort that I can export to another computer that does have N360 running. 


I've tried looking in the folder suggested here:, But the folder does not exist. 


I have found some Norton files with brackets and collections of letters and numbers. See attached. Can I somehow retrieve my password information from here?


Any help will be greatly appreciated


