Not getting any information at all on my kids' activities, keep getting notifications that the NOF version on their computers needs to be upgraded even though I have tried several times. Shouldn't I at least be getting the same service I had before? After reading about all the other issues that people are having after they HAVE managed to upgrade, I'm thinking it's better not to mess with it any longer and switch to another program.
It is the same with me. It seems that the time blocking, total time per day restrictions, and web site blocking is working, but nothing is logging when I check the activity from my online Norton Family account via a web browser.
I have asked if that is a problem on Norton's server side or whether the product was installed incorrectly or whether the updated software just does not work for the logging aspect, but I Norton has not responded to my questions about it. At least the web site and time blocking stuff is working. That is the most important part as far as I am concerned, but it would be nice to know what is going on with the logging.
Hi pjkipping,
We are currently working on the issues. For details, please check out the link below.
I am seeing the same problem after upgrading. No reporting,alerts or logging of activity. Could Norton at least make the old version available so we could unintall the new one and get back to a working product.
Any plan on issuing some sort of a refund for premium customers since we've paid for a service that we're not able to use??
I was able to log on and download. I hope this fixed the probelm with email notifications.
I am still having problems upgrading as well. The new software installs, but when it asks for my credentials, it initially complains that I already have a computer named that (which I do: I'm trying to upgrade it and shouldn't have to change the name of the computer). If I humor the software and change the name of the computer, then I get a message that the Norton Family server is temporarily unavailable (as it has been for SEVERAL WEEKS now). My credentials are correct because they work just fine at the website.
Is the problem still at your end? Or do I need to open any specific ports on my firewall or change my DNS server (I use OpenDNS) or something else at my end to establish a connection to your server? This has been a very frustrating "upgrade", as I have 5 kids, several computers and mobile devices, and currently none of them are "protected". I am manually checking log files and cookies to see where they have been web surfing and how much time they are using.
I had to uninstall the NOF, and reinstall. This took some time to do because I was not able to log back onto the site to reinstall once I uninstalled NOF. Today I was able to get back on the site and reload the program. So far so good. Good luck.
Exact same problems as MikeLeonard here
Not getting any information at all on my kids' activities, keep getting notifications that the NOF version on their computers needs to be upgraded even though I have tried several times. Shouldn't I at least be getting the same service I had before? After reading about all the other issues that people are having after they HAVE managed to upgrade, I'm thinking it's better not to mess with it any longer and switch to another program.