I notice that when I click on the arrows to arrange Norton task, the bottom grayed out task does not get arranged along with the rest.
Hi Dave20, I have 5 greyed out tasks, in the bottom of my list. They are all listed as maintenance tasks. They are auto tasks performed by Norton, that require no user intervention.
But do those tasks get arranged when you click the arrows on the top of the task list. Like I can arrange the tasks alphabetical, last run, etc, but no matter which I click, the bottom five tasks does not get re-arranged. Is this as designed or my software is wonky.
Dave20 wrote:
But do those tasks get arranged when you click the arrows on the top of the task list. Like I can arrange the tasks alphabetical, last run, etc, but no matter which I click, the bottom five tasks does not get re-arranged. Is this as designed or my software is wonky.
The grayed-out tasks are in no way for the user intervention.
From the link provided yesterday in yank's post in your other thread, in Ashwini's post it is said:
"... And about the jobs which are greyed out : they are the "maintenance" tasks which are background jobs that your Norton product is running, and has been running for pervious versions.
We added these jobs suddenly to make Norton more 'Transparent' as what they run as background as well and they are greyed because they don't require any user intervention."
But on your computer, if you click the arrow AT THE TOP OF THE LIST, does the grayed out task get re-arranged alphabetically like the rest of the task or do they remain as is in the position they are now?
Dave20 wrote:
But on your computer, if you click the arrow AT THE TOP OF THE LIST, does the grayed out task get re-arranged alphabetically like the rest of the task or do they remain as is in the position they are now?
My NIS "Norton Tasks" has no arrow AT THE TOP OF THE LIST - maybe if you posted a screenshot it'd help to understand what you mean?
Edit: if you mean that very small arrow next to "Last Run"... it reverses the order of the tasks listed, except for the
(five) grayed-out tasks which always remain in the same order. Hope this is what you were asking?.
There’s another arrow next to task name.
Dave20 wrote:
There's another arrow next to task name.
From "Norton Tasks" Info page (in Norton Task click on "Help" on top right side):
"You can use the icon that appears before the name of a background job to start or stop a background task. You can start or stop a background task at any time."
Not that arrow. Similiar to the arrow at the end of “last run,” there are arrows in front of “status” and “task name.”
Dave20 wrote:
Not that arrow. Similiar to the arrow at the end of "last run," there are arrows in front of "status" and "task name."
I have no arrow in front of “status”. Could you please post a screenshot showing what you mean? Here are the instructions:
The only other small arrows I see are those next to the task names, within a small yellow/orange box, called “icon” in the Info page which you can get if you click on the word “Help” at the top right side of the “Norton Tasks” window, as I suggested in my previous post.
If you hover over these icons with the mouse, the yellow/orange will change to a deeper shade and “Click to start job” will appear. You can click it to start or stop the background task, as explained in the Info page.
Hope this helps.
See the white triangle in front of task name at http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Internet-Security-Norton/New-Norton-Tasks/m-p/651565/highlight/true#M193566
Why do I keep getting posts to questions I didn't ask?
Those white triangles are the same as the yellow squares with arrows - but these white ones are "grayed out" just like the rest of the entries for those type of tasks.
I didn't post to this question.
But clicking those arrows will not rearrange the grayed out tasks. Only the non grayed out ones.
How do I stop this post coming to me?
Dave20 wrote:
But clicking those arrows will not rearrange the grayed out tasks. Only the non grayed out ones.
As we all have been saying in this thread (*), the grayed-out tasks are not for the users' use.
(*) like, for example, in Message #4
The grayed items are part of the Norton system internals (that operate as Norton-App internally scheduled tasks) and are listed separately, and always at the bottom of the Norton Tasks scheduler list. They appear there for informational and diagnostic purposes only - This is by design.
The corresponding Task Run "Arrows" for these grayed items cannot be interacted with by the user but like the non-grayed user interactive list entries, the arrows will change (to a Dot) to indicate that the task is currently running.
Kind regards,
Edited for further clairification.
and just to verify what avjohnnie said, from here posted in Feb of 2012 by Ashwini, a Symntec Employee
The 'idle time' is removed intentionally from 'Norton Tasks' as it is available inside Settings.
And about the jobs which are greyed out : they are the "maintenance" tasks which are background jobs that your Norton product is running, and has been running for pervious versions.
We added these jobs suddenly to make Norton more 'Transparent' as what they run as background as well and they are greyed because they don't require any user intervention.
Hope this clarifies!