ASLR implementation issue on Windows 8 and 10

ASLR implementation issue on Windows 8 and 10  If you use Microsoft EMET on Windows 8.x or Windows 10 machines, or the new Windows Defender Exploit Guard on Windows 10 version 1709, your system may not have been protected properly by a protective feature called Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR). for the full article and a fix for this go here


Um, since as far as I know.  I do not run EMET or Windows Defender Exploit Guard.
What does "ASLR implementation issue" mean for me?
Nothing, I hope.

Check this thread out.  It might help.  Then again...

Oy vey.  


Um, since as far as I know.  I do not run EMET or Windows Defender Exploit Guard.
What does "ASLR implementation issue" mean for me?

Nothing, I hope.

Check this thread out.  It might help.  Then again...


Um, since as far as I know.  I do not run EMET or Windows Defender Exploit Guard.
What does "ASLR implementation issue" mean for me?

Nothing, I hope.