At Risk - Protection Updates - Not Fixed

At Risk - Protection Updates - Not Fixed

Norton Internet Security 2011

System - Windows XP Home.


Norton Internet Security 2011 was installed yesterday 2/18/2011 replacing Norton Internet Security 2010. Install and updates appeared to complete successfully. Everything was green. LiveUpdate results showed yesterday's date.


Today 02/19/2011, on the Norton and Windows Security icons are red x. The Windows Security display states that Norton indicates it might be out of date. Norton display has System Status as AT RISK in Red, the time display for last time Live Update ran is in red even when it is less than 1 minute ago, and the Fix Now screen indicates Protection Updates with Not Fixed Status. Manual run of Live Updates completes successfully with statement protection is up to date.


My Norton Account shows both 2010 and 2011 as unexpired. This PC has been registered to both products.


The only thing unusual in the install was the 2011 disk installed as an update to the 2010 product and displayed a message that a product activation key was needed. When I added the key, the 2011 product indicated an additional PC registered.


Any assistance in getting rid of the invalid at risk message - at least I think it is invalid - would be appreciated.


Probably a lot in this post that is extra but I tried to include everything I could think of that might be needed. Of course I am sure the one thing necessary is what I didn't include.





Hi oldmtnbiker,


In the main Norton window click Support > Subscription Status.  The Subscription Status Check will correct any errrors present in your installed product concerning your time remaining.  If this does not solve the problem, click "Renew" at the bottom of the window and enter your valid Product Key in the space provided and click the small arrow to submit it.

Thanks for the suggestions. Not the solution I need. According to the Norton site I am on the 2011 subscription with almost the full year remaining.


The issue appears to be that even though the updates are occurring, the software on my computer doesn't totally realize it has current files. If you run live update, it will either update or return a message that the newest files are loaded. However the internet security 2011 still should AT RISK status and a production update error.


Running The One Click support does not return any errors.


Other ideas from anyone



Since the over top installation did not apply correctly the best fix is to uninstall through add/remove, run the removal tool, and reinstall.  There may be problems because of the parts of the old program remaining.  If this is the case, you might be best to do the removal in safe mode.  If you use Identity Safe, back up your logins and then sign out before uninstalling.


oldmtnbiker wrote:

Thanks for the suggestions. Not the solution I need. According to the Norton site I am on the 2011 subscription with almost the full year remaining.

The Norton site and your installed program can be in disagreement.  If the Norton site is correct but your Norton product is not, you can get these sorts of troubles.  It may indeed be something else, but the first thing to do when you get these symptoms is to run the Subscription Status check to synch your program with the Norton servers.