Ever since the massive update last week, my auto fill no longer works consistently. All my user IDs and passwords are still there in Identity Safe, but the auto fill function is spotty. I can find no pattern for why it works on some sites and not on others. I have checked the box "Autofill my Logins when I visit websites" in the "Norton Identity Safe" Settings/Browsing window. I use Firefox (currently version 38.0.5) on a Windows 7 machine.
BTW, even with this lovely re-decorate, once I get into the program I can't find a way back. For example, I went to the "Settings Browsing" window so I could check my settings, and there is no way to get back to the window listing all my IDs and Passwords. Links that look like they are 'clickable' in this window are not. I can't get the downward arrows next to my user name nor "new Login" to respond. "Search your vault" does not allow entries (my cursor is an arrow, never reverts to a vertical line, so searching is impossible.) I cannot move the "open" slider bar (lower right corner) so I can't turn Identity Safe *off* to turn it back on to see my passwords, which was my old workaround when this used to happen in the previous version of Norton 360. I tried to go to Windows-->start-->Norton-->Norton 360 Premier and I do get the *main* window then, but when I click on "Identity-->Identity safe" I get thrown back to the "Settings Browsing" window. This is supremely frustrating!
My only recourse is to reboot my computer to (hopefully) get back to the main Identity Safe screen so I can see my passwords to manually enter them as necessary. Like I said, this used to happen in the old Norton program but now that my old tricks don't work anymore I'd like to know what I am *supposed* to do.