I am running NIS 2009 on eMachines PC with Athlon 2.2 Ghz processor and 2 GB RAM. I recently installed TradeStation (stock options, futures, etc.trading platform) and have experienced the following problem.
TradeStation (TS) seems to run fine, auto firewall rules generated, etc., but whenever I close the TS app, there is continuous disk activity taking place for almost 2 minutes! The TS processes (several of them) do not end until all the disk activity is complete. TS does write some data to disk upon exit but not 2 mintues worth of it.
If I disable Norton AV auto-protect, TS shuts down quickly and with little disk activity.
If Norton AV auto-protect is on, TS writes to the disk for 2 minutes and none of the TS processes shut down until this is complete.
TS support tells me that it only writes to its own directory so I added that directory to the NAV scan exclusions. No help.
I ran filemon noticed lots of activity to the Norton Application Data directory from ccSvcHost
Can anyone provide any insight or guidance. By the way, starting and exiting Firefox has had similar behavior in the past (30+ seconds of continuous disk activity) but not 2 minutes. Thank you.
I think that whatever is being written to the disc is being treated similarly to a download by Norton, which is possibly scanning the entire application each time it updates information from the web.
Are you running an updated version of TradeStation? Are you showing any errors in the History panel? Scroll down to errors.
What browser is being used by the ap, or does it connect directly? Is there more than one .exe file in the program that could be added to the autoscan exceptions?
The download scenario is interesting but I don't see lots of network activity nor CPU activity.
Running TradeStation 8.3. Must run this version for what I'm doing.
No errors in Norton History.
Not sure what browser TS is using for web access. I'm guessing it is using the IE control but don't know for sure.
I selected the entire TS directory (programs, data, everything) for auto scan exclusion with no change in behavior. I rebooted to make sure. Still no difference.
The CPU activity during the time the disk is churning is very low (< 5%). ccSvcHst is the most prevalent process using CPU. Once in a while you see one of the TS apps do something but mostly the disk is getting hammered. Turn off auto protect and TS shuts down quietly and quickly.
I installed a free verion of Avira antivirus and enabled real time checking. Then I turned off Norton auto protect. Again, TS shuts down quietly and quickly. Something is triggering NAV but I sure can't figure out what. Any other ides guys?
Part 1 was my own stupidity. I was setting "Scan" exclusions vs. "Auto Protect" exclusions. Duh.
Part 2 was figuring out what directories / files were causing the issue. Turns out that simply excluding the "MyWork" folder in the TS directory solves the problem for now. Might have to add others as I start to use TS more but this has solved the current issue.There are only about 40 MB of data in the folder so I don't know what is going on, unless TS opens and closes the file for each write operation which causes NAV to scan it every single time. If so, writing 10 items would cause 10 scans.
Thanks for previous responses that kept me looking into the issue.
I also am a Tradestation user along with NIS and noticed this issue since installing NIS. I was unable to find auto protect exclusions, but finally found it in "scan exclusions". Duh!
I placed the entire Tradestation folder in the exclusions and now no more issue. I can't recall how many times I tried to find this exclusion location in NIS. Geez