Auto renew email from a personal email address

How do I find out how this came to my personal email address. Says it is renewing my subscription for 3yrs and the payment requested is in the hundreds and in Dollars? Tried the virtual chat but that was a waste of time. Why can't an email address be supplied so that I can discuss this with someone.


Why can't an email address be supplied so that I can discuss this with someone.

Norton Support is via Chat or Phone.  No email support. 

Please review: ~ regarding Chat Support ~ regarding Phone Support
here >

as test: Chat from Edge ... okay for me. 

Contact Norton Support

Twitter Norton Support is external)(link is external)

~ regarding Phone Support
Please share your geo-location/country. 
Maybe, I can post Norton Support phone number, if you want?
Are you United States?


You should validate the e-mail address the message came from at this Norton site. Norton does not have personal e-mail addresses for any of their business offering or renewals. If its not listed its a scam, delete the message and do not open any links or call any numbers listed on the message: