Automated Upgrade Option costs more!

After following the nag screen link to renew my soon expire subscription I was greeted with a page for "Privileged Customers Only". On this page I was offered an upgrade to Norton 360 for free. The total cost for the subscription renewal with the free upgrade was £44.79 for a 3 PC one year license.

However upon checking the price against Norton's online shop I found that Norton 360 and Norton Internet Security were in a sale and priced at £29.99 and £24.99 respectively.

So to reward my loyalty and being a "Privileged Customer" Norton wanted to charge me £14.80 over what it would cost me to buy as a non "Privileged Customer", and an incredible £19.80 more than it would cost me to buy a new Internet Security license.


My advice to potential upgraders/subs renewers is to check the online shop before you renew.


Well done Norton! If you want to keep loyal customers don't rip them off.




Ex- Loyal Norton Customer