Is there any way to prevent NAV 2011 from deleting my files without asking? Namely what it considers Medium and/or High Risk Threats
I installed this last night and performed a full system scan. it deleted the executable of one of my programs that it had deemed High Risk. I know it is a false positive, and am miffed by this, as I must now reinstall it. I can't uninstall it correctly, because it deleted the main executable.
Internet Explorer flagged email from Norton as suspicious. I don't mind Microsoft or Norton being overprotective; but must it delete my files without asking?
Malwarebytes found nothing on my system directly before this was installed.
I decided to turn off Insight Protection and Sonar protection, because I could find no way to prevent these features from automatically deleting my files without my permission.
I do not understand the point of a quarantine for files that are already deleted. Perhaps Symantec should create a Morgue Area for this type of business.
Is it possible to run a manual scan (using this software) without it automatically deleting files without my permission?